Read more about the article November – A month to remember, a month to act; How pancreatic cancer changed my lifeContributed/ Cheryl Silver
Gayle and Melvyn Silver surrounded by their daughters, Amy Judd, Cheryl Silver and Rachel Browner. This photo was taken on July 4th, 2008, just over two months before Mel was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

November – A month to remember, a month to act; How pancreatic cancer changed my life

By Cheryl Silver/ -- This month marks the fourth anniversary of my father’s death. It’s also the fifth year I’ve recognized November as Pancreatic…

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Read more about the article Inspectors monitor some residence halls, tooDarrell Hoemann
on Friday, November 15, 2013. photo by Darrell Hoemann/The Midwest Center for Investigative Journalism

Inspectors monitor some residence halls, too

In addition to fraternities and sororities, inspectors visit 15 privately-owned residences that fall under the certified housing rules, such as Bromley Hall, Illini Tower and Newman Hall.

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Read more about the article Fraternities and sororities fail inspections; Violations take months to fixDarrell Hoemann
Alpha Delta Phi, located at 310 East John Street in Champaign, had 54 violations after its initial inspection last year. Among the violations, Inspectors found broken windows, tripping hazards and expired fire extinguishers. Inspectors also found beer cans and tea lights in the fraternity’s crawlspace, which is not meant to be used as a habitable space. This photo of the house was taken on Nov. 15, 2013.

Fraternities and sororities fail inspections; Violations take months to fix

City safety inspectors find hundreds of fire hazards and safety violations in fraternities and sororities at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign each year, yet it can take months before some violations are corrected, inspection documents show.

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Read more about the article Teacher still dedicated despite struggles with cutbacksDarrell Hoemann
Darla Frye with her daughter Lauren in her sixth grade classroom at Urbana Middle School on Thursday, November 14, 2013. photo by Darrell Hoemann/The Midwest Center for Investigative Journalism

Teacher still dedicated despite struggles with cutbacks

By Sal Nudo/For --  Mother and daughter enter the brightly lit Biggby Coffee shop on Mattis Avenue in Champaign. It’s a brisk October…

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Read more about the article OSHA aims to prevent ‘needless deaths’Don McMasters
Firefighters practice placing a rescue tube during grain bin rescue training at the Danville Bunge facility, Sept. 17, 2013.

OSHA aims to prevent ‘needless deaths’

The deadliest year for grain-bin workers on record was 2010, when at least 26 workers died throughout the country, according to grain-bin entrapment data from Purdue University. There were more than 50 total incidents that year.

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