City inspectors to visit Cherry Orchard
By Pam G. Dempsey/ -- Urbana city inspectors, under an agreement with Champaign County, may be visiting the Cherry Orchard property soon to inspect…
By Pam G. Dempsey/ -- Urbana city inspectors, under an agreement with Champaign County, may be visiting the Cherry Orchard property soon to inspect…
Heading out to eat and undecided about where to go?'s new app could provide you with information to help you make that choice.
The city of Champaign's Neighborhood Services Department says it is close to completion on an upgrade of its website to create an interactive, social forum for community groups.
What began as a reaction to the news that University of Illinois students would have to attend class during sub-zero weather quickly escalated into a discussion of racism, sexism and white-privilege that will take place during the #ONECAMPUS forum on February 6.
It all began on Sunday evening of January 26 after Chancellor Phyllis Wise sent a mass email to students that campus would be open for business the next day. Angered by the decision, a handful of students took to venting their frustrations using the social media service Twitter.
In September 2014, the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District – after years of planning – created a website where citizens could look up restaurant inspection reports in Champaign County. Reports for more than 1,000 restaurants are available on the site, which is constantly updated and go back to 2008.
Travelers looking to gauge the on-time performance of nearby airports have several readily available options that they can turn to. The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics keeps dozens of different data sets on nearly every aspect of air travel.
By Robert Holly/ -- Congress reshaped American agriculture policy this week, officially passing a long-term Farm Bill that will strengthen crop insurance programs for…