Wanted: Your restaurant photos

By Pamela G. Dempsey/CU-CitizenAccess.org — Under a new notification system that began Jan. 1, restaurants and food establishments in Champaign-Urbana are required to post a color-coded placard based on health inspection results.

Until July 1, placards posted will either be green for “satisfactory compliance” or red for “closed.” Starting July 1, restaurants that fail inspections but allowed to remain open must post a yellow placard for “re-inspection required”.

Placards must be posted in a visible spot. See examples here.

If you are dining out in the Champaign-Urbana area, please show us where you spy placards and we’ll share on CU-CitizenAccess.org.

Please email your photos (one of the placard, one of the restaurant) to restaurants@cu-citizenaccess.org with your name, name of restaurant, address of restaurant and date taken.

Meanwhile, visit our latest story to see restaurant failures between January and March.

Or check out our restaurant map.


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