Read more about the article Records show public housing often filled with violationsRobert Holly
Lavell Blissit stands outside Steer Place in Urbana on April 15, 2015. He has been a resident there for the past four years, he said.

Records show public housing often filled with violations

Cockroaches, mice feces, broken appliances and mold were among the most severe violations found during standard public housing inspections this past year in Champaign County.

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Read more about the article New law allows Illinois schools access to students’ social media passwordsDarrell Hoemann
Champaign Unit 4 school district attorney Tom Hockman with a screen of some of the district's digital media policies in his office in Champaign on Wednesday, April 1, 2015.

New law allows Illinois schools access to students’ social media passwords

Teenage cyberbullies across Illinois might want to think twice before posting anything mean or reckless on social media ever again. Illinois public school administrators now have the authority to demand a student’s social media account password if the school suspects the student of violating a disciplinary rule or policy, thanks to a new law implemented earlier this year.

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Read more about the article Free and reduced-cost lunches served up at Champaign County schoolsDarrell Hoemann
Peaches are served to a student at Booker T. Washington school in Champaign, Il on Monday, April 13, 2015.

Free and reduced-cost lunches served up at Champaign County schools

The number of children receiving free and reduced-cost lunches in Champaign County is on the rise as numbers across the country decline. Of the school districts that reported, more than 51 percent of children in the county are receiving free or reduced cost lunches, up 2 percent from 2014, according to state education data.

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Read more about the article Head Start, Early Head Start struggle with fundingDarrell Hoemann
Head Start director Cameron Moore in a classroom at the Champaign facility on Wednesday, April 1, 2015.

Head Start, Early Head Start struggle with funding

The Head Start and Early Head Start programs in Champaign County spent about $6.8 million last year to prepare young children from low-income families for kindergarten. But it is not enough. Although the programs serve nearly 600 children, there are still 230 on the waiting list.

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Read more about the article Federal money woes bring attention to crop insuranceDarrell Hoemann/
A flag waves in front of soybean acres on July 3, 2014.

Federal money woes bring attention to crop insurance

The average yearly amount of taxpayer money funding the highly subsidized federal crop insurance program has more than doubled in just over a decade. From 2003 through 2007, the government spent an average of $3.4 billion per year on crop insurance, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data.

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