In the past four months, the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District shut down seven restaurants because of issues that put customers at risk.
But it also shut down six food establishments because owners or managers did not pay health permit fees or submit a permit application. One restaurant is still closed.
Restaurants in Champaign County are required to apply for permits annually. Fee amounts vary depending on the likelihood of the restaurant causing foodborne illness such as Salmonella or E. coli.
A “category 1” restaurant means it has a high risk of causing foodborne illnesses. Establishments in that group must pay a $400 permit fee by May 1 and a $200 permit fee by Nov. 1.
These are the food establishments closed for not paying permit fees:
Canaan Academy, 207 N. Central Avenue, Urbana
The health district shut down the food establishment at Canaan Academy on May 12 for not submitting a health permit application. It has since been reopened.
Center of Hope Church (Food Pantry), 409 E. Grove St., Champaign
The health district shut down the food pantry on May 12 for not submitting a health permit application. It has since been reopened.
KAAM’s Choice Steak and Seafood Truck, 1106 Olen Drive, Mahomet
The health district shut the truck down on May 12. A closure notice to the owner of the truck warned that operation of the truck without a permit or city food license was illegal. As of June 4, the truck was still not open.
Neighbors at the Ice House, 703 N. Prospect Avenue, Champaign
The health district shut down the bar on May 12 for not paying its permit and city food license fees. It has since been reopened.
Neil Street Food & Liquor, 701 N. Neil St., Champaign
The health district shut down the store on May 12 for not paying its health permit and city food license fees. It has since been reopened.
Toys R Us, 40 E. Anthony Drive, Champaign
The health district shut down food service in Toys R Us on May 12 for not paying permit and city food license fees. It has since been reopened.