celebrates Sunshine Week all year, every year

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This week is Sunshine Week across the U.S., a week during which the press celebrates the Freedom of Information Act and its value for making sure the public can exercise its right to know about its governments.

Sunshine Week is created and supported by the American Society of News Editors and the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and offers examples and a toolkit for the public to get government information. has made great use of the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, using it to get documents and data on restaurant inspections, complaints about Housing Authority complexes, crime reports in Champaign-Urbana, tax incentive agreements, and safety inspections of fraternities and sororities.

Thus, by using the Freedom of Information Act, has provided much-needed transparency on significant issues in Central Illinois over the past seven years.

In honor of Sunshine Week, has compiled some of the stories that its Freedom of Information requests that have led to. And we offer our own guide to using the Illinois Freedom of Information Act here so you can file your own FOIA.

Among our FOIA driven stories:

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