Illinois Rep. Lauren Underwood spends over $5 million on reelection campaign

Incumbent Lauren Underwood has spent over $5 million so far on her reelection campaign for Illinois’s 14th Congressional District. During Underwood’s first election, her expenditures totaled $4.89 million; that number has been exceeded, with Underwood spending $5.3 million for the 2019-2020 cycle so far.

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Read more about the article Rep. Darin LaHood outspends all Republican Illinois candidates during 2020 election cycleUS House Office of Photography
Darin LaHood's most recent official photograph.

Rep. Darin LaHood outspends all Republican Illinois candidates during 2020 election cycle

Despite no opposing candidate, U.S. Congressman Darin LaHood outspent all other Illinois Republican candidates during the 2020 election cycle. So far, out of the other top-spending Illinois Republican candidates running in the 2020 election, LaHood has outspent Jim Oberweis from the 14th District by $90,000, Jeanne Ives from the 6th District by $84,000 and incumbent Rodney Davis from the 13th District by $10,000.

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Read more about the article Rep. Bill Foster’s spending focusing on staff payroll, donations in 2020 electionBill Foster's official website
The most recent official photograph of Rep. Bill Foster.

Rep. Bill Foster’s spending focusing on staff payroll, donations in 2020 election

Seeking re-election for a fourth consecutive cycle, Democratic incumbent congressional representative Bill Foster appears to be comfortably spending campaign money outside his own campaign, as he lacks an opponent capable of credibly threatening his seat. Running in the 11th Congressional District of Illinois for the House of Representatives, Foster’s campaign has spent $1,451,981 so far for his 2020 cycle according to the Federal Election Commission.

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Read more about the article Rep. Adam Kinzinger fundraising expenditures rise up while media expenses decrease in 2020US House Office of Photography
Adam Kinzinger's most recent official photograph.

Rep. Adam Kinzinger fundraising expenditures rise up while media expenses decrease in 2020

Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger showed an immense change in campaign fund spending for the current 2019-2020 Illinois' 16th Congressional District election campaign, which includes a decrease of media and advertising and an increase in fundraising spending. During his previous campaign, Kinzinger’s campaign budget consisted of spending $788,336 toward media-related purchases. However, he has spent only $60,169 in media purchases and $28,459 in advertising purchases so far for his current campaign, which is a total of $88,628.

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Reported daily COVID-19 cases vary widely for Champaign County, U of I cases

The highest number reported by the state was September 8, which indicated delayed reporting. The county's highest number was 356 cases on Sept. 11. County public health officials said their case numbers lag behind the state and university because they take time to confirm positive cases.

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Read more about the article County Forest Preserve says tax referendum is “not a partisan issue”Champaign County Forest Preserve District
Museum of the Grand Prairie in Mahomet's Lake of the Woods preserve, one of the six forest preserves run by CCFPD.

County Forest Preserve says tax referendum is “not a partisan issue”

The Champaign County Forest Preserve District is a week away from learning if voters will support its plea for an increase in taxes to support catching up on more than $4 million in backlogged capital projects. The referendum proposes an increased tax levy of 0.0160 to 0.1033 percent. The district decided not to increase its tax levy before a tax cap implementation in 1996.

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Read more about the article Big donations, decreased spending for 9th District Rep. Jan Schakowsky’s 2020 campaignSchakowsky's website
Jan Schakowsky's official photograph.

Big donations, decreased spending for 9th District Rep. Jan Schakowsky’s 2020 campaign

Long-standing Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky allocated about 75 percent of her spending during the 2019-20 election cycle so far on salaries, fundraising and a contribution of $292,632 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Her spending habits have remained consistent throughout her political career, with her annual Women’s Power Lunch as the biggest individual expense every year.

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Read more about the article Democratic Rep. Sean Casten focuses on media buying in 2020 electionU.S. Rep. Sean Casten
Sean Casten's official photograph from his representative website.

Democratic Rep. Sean Casten focuses on media buying in 2020 election

In his first-time incumbent election cycle, Rep. Sean Casten has spent only $3,157,127 this election cycle as of October 1, nearly half of what he spent last election cycle. In the 2018 congressional election, Democrat Sean Casten spent upwards of $6 million to overtake the incumbent to become the representative for Illinois’ Sixth Congressional District, according to Federal Election Commission records.

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Read more about the article Bobby Rush’s campaign spending on family ‘could be concerning’, analyst
U.S. Congressman Bobby L. Rush (1st District of Illinois)

Bobby Rush’s campaign spending on family ‘could be concerning’, analyst says

Bobby Rush, Democratic representative for Illinois’ 1st District, has spent $402,044 so far during the 2019-2020 election cycle, with about $41,062 — one-tenth of his expenditures — going to his son, Jeffery Rush. Isaac Wink, policy analyst at Reform for Illinois, said there may be a reason to keep close attention to these payments.

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Read more about the article Rep. Mike Quigley cuts expenditures by nearly half in 2020 campaignUS House Office of Photography
Mike Quigley's most recent official photograph.

Rep. Mike Quigley cuts expenditures by nearly half in 2020 campaign

Democratic Congressman Mike Quigley has spent more than $631,000 so far as he runs for his seventh term as Illinois’ 5th Congressional District’s representative in 2020, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) data. The expenditures in the 2019-2020 election cycle are a decrease from the amount he spent in the previous cycle, during which he spent over $1.2 million, according to the FEC.

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