Read more about the article COVID on Campus: Tracking and isolating students was hit-and-miss
The empty lobby entrance of the Extended Stay America in Columbia, MO, on Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2021.

COVID on Campus: Tracking and isolating students was hit-and-miss

This story was originally published on COVID on Campus was reported during the fall semester by student journalists examining the impact of the…

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Read more about the article COVID on Campus:  Containing hot spots a difficult challenge
A group of men stand outside of Campus Bar and Grill shortly after close on the night of Sept. 5, 2020 in downtown Columbia, Mo. College-age students continued to gather together and drink after the new city ordinance stopped alcohol sales at 9 p.m. and closed bars at 10 p.m. every evening.

COVID on Campus: Containing hot spots a difficult challenge

When universities across the U.S. reopened and welcomed tens of thousands of students back to campus this fall, students partied in apartments, at pools and on the lawns of Greek houses — celebrating as if COVID-19 did not exist. Local public health departments and universities alike received thousands of reports about students at over-packed parties and bars where they could be seen maskless, violating social distancing and gathering size limits. Some schools created ways for complaints to be filed.

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Read more about the article COVID on Campus: Unprecedented challenges, mixed results
As Covid-19 testing takes place on the University of Illinois Quad in Urbana, IL on Wednesday, September 16, 2020. Photo by Darrell Hoemann.

COVID on Campus: Unprecedented challenges, mixed results

An analysis of the efforts at four major Midwestern universities shows that no matter what schools tried — whether it was Illinois’ much-touted testing program or Missouri’s lack of comprehensive or random testing — the results were much worse than predicted. At those campuses and the flagship universities in Indiana and Wisconsin, at least 15,000 tested positive for COVID-19 this fall.

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County COVID-19 vaccinations open to lower age group with underlying conditions

Champaign-Urbana Public Health District Expands Phase 1B COVID Vaccinations to Include Persons Age 65-74 with Underlying Health Conditions. Next week’s clinics will serve anyone 75 years of age or older that did not previously receive a vaccine plus is expanding to include individuals age 65-74 with underlying health conditions - cancer, chronic kidney disease, COPD, heart disease, obesity, sickle cell disease, diabetes, smoking, and immune-compromised due to organ transplant.

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