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Campus counseling center vows to meet student needs after social media criticism

A university student criticized the University of Illinois Counseling Center in a Reddit thread, describing being turned away in tears during a “serious mental health crisis”, but were turned away because they “already had an appointment six months ago.” The counseling center responds with a commitment to student needs.

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Read more about the article Additional campus COVID complaints show more unsafe, unhealthy and outlandish behavior
Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity on the University of Illinois campus has been placed on conduct probation until Nov. 16, 2021 after violating mask protocol and city emergency orders.

Additional campus COVID complaints show more unsafe, unhealthy and outlandish behavior

Students selling negative saliva test samples on Snapchat. Fraternity members threatening students for taking pictures of long bar lines. People leaving quarantine and isolation dorms to pick up Doordash food orders and then socialize. These were the events among the 200 complaints sent to university officials in the latter part of the fall semester in 2020 at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign.

Continue ReadingAdditional campus COVID complaints show more unsafe, unhealthy and outlandish behavior