Read more about the article Champaign and Urbana police still mostly white despite repeated attempts at racial diversityDarrell Hoemann
The window for the Urbana Police Department office inside the Urbana City Hall on Thursday, September 4, 2014. photo by Darrell Hoemann/C-U Citizen Access

Champaign and Urbana police still mostly white despite repeated attempts at racial diversity

Despite years of pledges and efforts to bring racial diversity to their departments, only 31 of 203 employees — or 15% — at the…

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Read more about the article Champaign police increase residency bonus but most officers still prefer to live out of town; Other area departments show similar patternDarrell Hoemann
Looking south to the Champaign Police Department Building on First Street. Photo by Darrell Hoemann/CU-CitizenAccess

Champaign police increase residency bonus but most officers still prefer to live out of town; Other area departments show similar pattern

Most employees of the Champaign and Urbana police departments live outside the cities they serve, even when lucrative bonuses are offered, records show. More…

Continue ReadingChampaign police increase residency bonus but most officers still prefer to live out of town; Other area departments show similar pattern
Read more about the article Over 100 restaurants failed inspections in Champaign County in the past two years, but failures hard to find in online database
Ambar India on Wright Street in Urbana received a red placard in January 2021. Screenshot from Google Street View.

Over 100 restaurants failed inspections in Champaign County in the past two years, but failures hard to find in online database

After a routine inspection, only 10 restaurants were closed due to non-compliance with safety regulations and 116 restaurants received food safety alerts for less…

Continue ReadingOver 100 restaurants failed inspections in Champaign County in the past two years, but failures hard to find in online database
Read more about the article COVID’s toll in Champaign County as emergency ends: 325 deaths, 86,946 cases, unknown number of long haulersPam Dempsey/
A tent and signs indicate a Covid-19 testing site at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign's Alice Campbell Alumni Center on Friday, July 31, 2020. The University is conducting free saliva tests for faculty, staff and students with results typically known within 48 hours.

COVID’s toll in Champaign County as emergency ends: 325 deaths, 86,946 cases, unknown number of long haulers

As the COVID-19 pandemic emergency measures ended this month, Champaign County had reported 325 COVID-related deaths from 86,946 cases over the past three years.…

Continue ReadingCOVID’s toll in Champaign County as emergency ends: 325 deaths, 86,946 cases, unknown number of long haulers