Read more about the article Causes of many fires in Champaign and Urbana go undetermined; Campustown is a hot spot
Photo depicting the aftermath of a fire at 206 S. First St. Photo by Claire Podlesak.

Causes of many fires in Champaign and Urbana go undetermined; Campustown is a hot spot

A cigarette butt flicked out of an open window.  A late-night pizza sitting in the oven for too long.  A hair curler left on…

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Read more about the article Champaign County suffers chronically high number of domestic violence calls and cases
The Champaign County Courthouse. Screenshot from Google Street View.

Champaign County suffers chronically high number of domestic violence calls and cases

In the first two months of this year, there were around 10 calls per day to emergency services regarding domestic violence and disputes in…

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