Read more about the article One year, four accidents at Archer Daniels Midland’s Decatur, Ill. headquarters; company fined over $400,000 in past 10 yearsADM
Archer Daniels Midland headquarters in Decatur, Illinois. Photo from ADM's website.

One year, four accidents at Archer Daniels Midland’s Decatur, Ill. headquarters; company fined over $400,000 in past 10 years

An explosion in September at the Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) plant in Decatur, Illinois injured eight workers, but federal work safety data shows it…

Continue ReadingOne year, four accidents at Archer Daniels Midland’s Decatur, Ill. headquarters; company fined over $400,000 in past 10 years
Read more about the article Citations for unlawful ID use by minors soars in Champaign after pandemic; underage drinking citations plummetGoogle Street View
Joe's Brewery on Google Street View. Screenshot taken on August 23, 2023.

Citations for unlawful ID use by minors soars in Champaign after pandemic; underage drinking citations plummet

About five times the number of 19- and 20-year-olds have been arrested or fined for unlawful use of ID in the first seven months…

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State data gives early warning of layoffs from larger companies, but lost jobs from small businesses go uncounted

A few months ago, Everyday Kitchen on Neil Street in Champaign suddenly announced its closing after over four years in business. But if one…

Continue ReadingState data gives early warning of layoffs from larger companies, but lost jobs from small businesses go uncounted
Read more about the article Downtown for sale: Vacant and derelict buildings wait for new owners and development plans
29 E Main St - Spring 2022

Downtown for sale: Vacant and derelict buildings wait for new owners and development plans

Abandoned and vacant buildings abound in downtown Champaign after three years of pandemic closures, business failures, downsizing and moves, a street-by-street survey by CU-CitizenAccess…

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Read more about the article Some Champaign landlords limit use of vouchers as income, meaning it’s harder for low-income families to rent; But Urbana landlords accept vouchers
Housing Authority of Champaign County, located at 2008 N Market St in Champaign. Image from Google Maps Street View.

Some Champaign landlords limit use of vouchers as income, meaning it’s harder for low-income families to rent; But Urbana landlords accept vouchers

Champaign landlords are reluctant to consider federal housing vouchers as income, prompting many to not accept vouchers — but Urbana’s laws protect tenants from…

Continue ReadingSome Champaign landlords limit use of vouchers as income, meaning it’s harder for low-income families to rent; But Urbana landlords accept vouchers
Read more about the article As national labor shortage drags on, local businesses and workers suffer consequences of the “Great Resignation”Taylor Ramirez
19-year-old Kaitlyn Lassy is wrapping silverware during her night shift as a waitress on Friday, February 11, 2022 at 4 AM at Merry Ann's, a 24-hour diner in Champaign, Ill. to help prepare her coworkers for their 6 AM shift.

As national labor shortage drags on, local businesses and workers suffer consequences of the “Great Resignation”

Running a business is never easy, but it’s gotten a lot harder during what’s been dubbed the “Great Resignation” – the nationwide pandemic-induced labor shortage. Locally, many business owners aren’t sure that they’ll ever be able to bounce back. 

Continue ReadingAs national labor shortage drags on, local businesses and workers suffer consequences of the “Great Resignation”
Read more about the article Latest hospital safety grades released, area hospital withholds data from national surveyLeapfrog
Carle Foundation Hospital declined to provide safety information to Leapfrog, a group of national experts that surveys thousands of hospitals to produce a safety grade and measure against national medical standards.

Latest hospital safety grades released, area hospital withholds data from national survey

One area hospital's safety grade has declined since the pandemic began, and another withheld quality of care information from the organization.

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Read more about the article ‘Wolf in sheep’s clothing’: Cannabis workers describe pushback against unionization effortsLeafly
Jobs in the cannabis industry have grown by 161% in the last four years. (Illustration: Joshua Titus for Leafly)

‘Wolf in sheep’s clothing’: Cannabis workers describe pushback against unionization efforts

Ramy Akram-Ahmed, a wellness advisor at Sunnyside Cannabis Dispensary in Champaign, Illinois, made $17 an hour while the parent company of Sunnyside, Cresco Labs,…

Continue Reading‘Wolf in sheep’s clothing’: Cannabis workers describe pushback against unionization efforts