Read more about the article University building monitoring for COVID-19 lax after shortfall in hiringVivian La
A vacant building monitor desk in the School of Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics in Urbana.

University building monitoring for COVID-19 lax after shortfall in hiring

To get into University of Illinois buildings, students and employees are supposed to show an app saying that they’ve had a recent, clean COVID-19 test. Nearly one-third of the time, however, there’s no one at the door to check their status.

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Read more about the article Religious communities connect online during pandemic
Children at Holy Cross Elementary School in socially-distanced reading circles in October. Facebook/HolyCrossElemSchool

Religious communities connect online during pandemic

As COVID-19 cases surge, Champaign County along with the entire State of Illinois tightened restrictions last week on gatherings, including those of religious organizations.…

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Read more about the article Carle health system launches COVID-19 hospitalizations, ICU occupancy
Carle's new dashboard is updated daily with statistics on COVID-19 for the Carle Health System.

Carle health system launches COVID-19 hospitalizations, ICU occupancy tracker

Since March, a total of 80 COVID-19 patients have died in the Carle Health System and 511 have been discharged. Carle shares these trends “to inform our region of the reality we’re facing today,” according to the website. “As the region’s only Level 1 Trauma Center, we continue to meet our community’s healthcare needs whether it’s care for COVID, heart attack, stroke or trauma.”

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Read more about the article COVID-19 Testing Accessibility: Disparities, Barriers and Plans For FutureCU-CitizenAccess
Cars in line at the Marketplace mall COVID-19 testing center in mid-November. When a car reaches the end of the line, a worker guides them through a 20-second, self-administered nasal swab.

COVID-19 Testing Accessibility: Disparities, Barriers and Plans For Future

There has been concern nationally about the ability of people of color to get tested for COVID-19, especially because they have been identified as more vulnerable to the virus. Melaney Arnold, public health information officer at the Illinois Department of Public Health, wrote in an email, “The data show Black and Hispanic populations are disproportionately impacted by COVID-19.”

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Read more about the article University of Illinois sees spike in faculty, staff, and grad student COVID-19 cases as county battles ‘uncontrolled spread’Darrell Hoemann/CU-CitizenAccess
COVID-19 testing takes place on the University of Illinois Quad in Urbana, IL on Wednesday, September 16, 2020.

University of Illinois sees spike in faculty, staff, and grad student COVID-19 cases as county battles ‘uncontrolled spread’

Cases and deaths have been rising in Champaign County and the other 20 counties that make up what the state public health officials designate as Region 6, which covers East central Illinois. The county is also on a state alert because of the rate of infection, 471 cases per 100,000, which nine times the target rate of 50 cases per 100,000.

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Read more about the article Calculation of COVID-19 positivity rate by university produces lower numbers than state
The Illinois Department of Public Health reports 7-day rolling averages of the COVID-19 test positivity rate for each region of Illinois. Champaign County, home of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, is part of region 6 which has experienced 8 days of positivity increases, reaching 12.2% on November 8.

Calculation of COVID-19 positivity rate by university produces lower numbers than state

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s revised calculation of the campus positivity rate of COVID-19 has potentially lowered the rate substantially by reducing the number of reported positive tests. Epidemiologists say the more accurate way to calculate positivity would be to divide unique positive tests by unique total tests, but that information is not always available.

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Read more about the article U of I COVID-19 cases surge as total cases surpass 3,000Pam Dempsey/
A tent and signs indicate a Covid-19 testing site at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign's Alice Campbell Alumni Center on Friday, July 31, 2020. The University is conducting free saliva tests for faculty, staff and students with results typically known within 48 hours.

U of I COVID-19 cases surge as total cases surpass 3,000

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has reported 3,421 cases since students began returning to campus on August 15 despite university researchers predicting only 700 Covid-19 cases on campus by Thanksgiving.

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Read more about the article Clark Park neighbors work to bring back community-wide eventsClark Park's Community Facebook Page
A free pantry located on the corner of James and Daniel in the Clark Park neighborhood is part of the efforts made by community leaders. Fresh produce, food, masks and other items were available for free.

Clark Park neighbors work to bring back community-wide events

This year, the COVID-19 pandemic is significantly limiting the ability for Clark Park community leaders to plan and host their staple events. The 61821 zip code, which includes Clark Park, has had 549 confirmed cases of COVID-19 according to data from the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District.

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Reported daily COVID-19 cases vary widely for Champaign County, U of I cases

The highest number reported by the state was September 8, which indicated delayed reporting. The county's highest number was 356 cases on Sept. 11. County public health officials said their case numbers lag behind the state and university because they take time to confirm positive cases.

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Read more about the article Beds in emergency hallways perilous during pandemic, experts sayGoogle Street View
OSF Heart of Mary as it appears on Google Maps Street View on October 16, 2020.

Beds in emergency hallways perilous during pandemic, experts say

Carle Foundation Hospital is routinely treating people in beds in the hallways of the emergency room at its Urbana facility on University Avenue, although the practice has come under criticism by health experts. The practice is generally done because a hospital is at overcapacity and does not have room for patients and is known as “boarding.” Boarding has been criticized because negative effects can include death, preventable disability, prolonged hospital stays and general discomfort.

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