Read more about the article Opt-in text alert system leaves many at University of Illinois outDanielle Sheppard
Students check their phones at a bus stop on the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus

Opt-in text alert system leaves many at University of Illinois out

By Amy Harwath/ -- A Northern Illinois University lecture hall was the target of a mass shooting in 2008 where five persons were killed…

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Read more about the article Building Emergency Action Plans still a work in progressDarrell Hoemann/The News-Gazette
A building on the campus of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. More than 400 buildings lack emergency evacuation plans.

Building Emergency Action Plans still a work in progress

By Sean Hermann/For -- Nearly 400 buildings on the University of Illinois campus at Urbana-Champaign lack the required Building Emergency Action Plans that would…

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Read more about the article Fundraising for arts not always a pretty pictureNicha Poolpol/Flickr Creative Commons
Viola from Nicha Poolpol. Nonprofits face challenges generating donations during tough economic times, but marketing the importance of the arts is ongoing struggle.

Fundraising for arts not always a pretty picture

By Andrea Baumgartner/For -- Champaign and Urbana nonprofits in arts education took a hard hit to funding in 2007 as the great recession…

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Read more about the article College counseling centers face ‘perfect storm’, expert says
File photo. Students on campus in August 2015. Today, more college students are in need for mental health services.

College counseling centers face ‘perfect storm’, expert says

By Pam G. Dempsey/Investigative Journalism Education Consortium -- More than 20 million college students across the nation will start school this month, just weeks…

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Read more about the article Sidebar: Behavioral Intervention Teams
Inside the English building. While the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus has a campus-wide Emergency Operations Plan, only 16 percent of its buildings have building Emergency Action Plans. The Office of Emergency Planning began an initiative to establish such plans for every building on campus more than two years ago, but estimates it will take a decade to get plans in place. The plans help building staff prepare better responses to emergencies like the presence of a gunman in a classroom. On the UI campus on Friday, Feb. 3, 2012.

Sidebar: Behavioral Intervention Teams

By Mary Beth Versaci/For CU-CitizenAccess -- A Behavioral Intervention Team is made up of representatives from offices across the University of Illinois campus meets…

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Read more about the article Lack of evacuation plans leaves students, staff unprepared
Inside Foellinger Auditorium. While the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus has a campus-wide Emergency Operations Plan, only 16 percent of its buildings have building Emergency Action Plans. The Office of Emergency Planning began an initiative to establish such plans for every building on campus more than two years ago, but estimates it will take a decade to get plans in place. The plans help building staff prepare better responses to emergencies like the presence of a gunman in a classroom. On the UI campus on Friday, Feb. 3, 2012.

Lack of evacuation plans leaves students, staff unprepared

By Mary Beth Versaci/For CU-CitizenAccess -- On April 16, 2007, Seung-Hui Cho shot and killed 32 students in two separate attacks on the Virginia…

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Read more about the article Campus lacks resources to meet demand for mental health services, safety initiatives
Gregory Hall. While the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus has a campus-wide Emergency Operations Plan, only 16 percent of its buildings have building Emergency Action Plans. The Office of Emergency Planning began an initiative to establish such plans for every building on campus more than two years ago, but estimates it will take a decade to get plans in place. The plans help building staff prepare better responses to emergencies like the presence of a gunman in a classroom. On the UI campus on Friday, Feb. 3, 2012.

Campus lacks resources to meet demand for mental health services, safety initiatives

For the past five months, journalism students and faculty have examined the state of mental health treatment at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus.…

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