Making the Grade: How restaurants in Champaign County measure up
There are no national standards for scoring health inspection reports. What may be passing in one jurisdiction could be considered failing in another jurisdiction.
There are no national standards for scoring health inspection reports. What may be passing in one jurisdiction could be considered failing in another jurisdiction.
These are the 14 restaurants that failed health inspections in June and July, according to Champaign-Urbana Public Health District inspection reports for June and…
After spending four years discussing how to best publicize restaurant inspections, county public health officials are now offering Champaign diners a small appetizer of…
Approximately 95 percent of the food we eat in Illinois comes from someplace else. The farmland in Illinois is some of the richest in…
Do You Know How Your Favorite Restaurants Fare in Public Health Inspections? from Illinois Public Media on Vimeo. Editor's note: This broadcast came about…
Geovanti’s Bar & Grill on Green Street failed its restaurant inspections five times from September 2008 through February of this year. But no one who eats there would ever know, unless they took the initiative to request copies of the popular Campustown restaurant’s inspection reports from the local health department.