Read more about the article Popular items mean long waits for Champaign-Urbana library patronsDarrell Hoemann/C-U Citizen Access
Kelly Strom, collection manager at the Champaign Public Library, demonstrates how to reserve books and holds a copy of the popular new John Grisham novel on November 16, 2016.

Popular items mean long waits for Champaign-Urbana library patrons

“I think our patrons are pretty used to how the system works,” said Kelly Strom, collection manager at the Champaign Public Library. “If they don’t want to wait on a holds list, then they can get a rental book if it’s available for that particular title. Otherwise, they seem to go pretty quickly because we buy so many copies.”

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Read more about the article Domestic violence agencies shocked by lack of funds in stopgap budgetDarrell Hoemann/C-U Citizen Access
From left: Elana Whitsitt, Oksana Whitsitt and Brooke Riddell organize gifts as volunteers gathered to wrap gifts for the women and children of Courage Connection at Trinity Lutheran Church, Urbana, Il on December 15, 2016.

Domestic violence agencies shocked by lack of funds in stopgap budget

“The state of Illinois expects us to spend more than half a million dollars and maybe – or maybe not – get reimbursed for it in this fiscal year,” said Isak Griffiths, the executive director of Courage Connection. “That's a huge burden to put on a social service agency.”

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Read more about the article County says plan to repair, replace buildings will cost median household $20 per yearDarrell Hoemann/CU-Citizen Access
The Champaign County Nursing Home on Monday, October 17, 2016.

County says plan to repair, replace buildings will cost median household $20 per year

Champaign County officials say they are facing a host of critical repairs and improvements that need to be made at county buildings but have been deferred for years. In response, they have proposed a 0.25 percent sales tax referendum they say will cost a median-income household only $20 per year.

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Read more about the article Illinois gets D+ grade in 2015 State Integrity InvestigationDarrell Hoemann/The Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting
The quad on the campus of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign on Tuesday, November 3, 2015.

Illinois gets D+ grade in 2015 State Integrity Investigation

Four of the seven Illinois governors elected from 1960 through 2006 went on to serve time in prison, so it’s no surprise that Illinois has developed a reputation more criminal than credible. Nor is it surprising that Illinois earned a D+ in the State Integrity Investigation, an assessment of state government transparency and accountability by the Center for Public Integrity and Global Integrity.

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Read more about the article Landlords benefit from loose law; save millions in taxesDarrell Hoemann
A view of houses on Hedge Road. Several rental properties here are owned by companies that receive the homestead exemption.

Landlords benefit from loose law; save millions in taxes

Champaign County landlords are reaping more than $20 million in tax exemptions a year by taking advantage of a loosely written state law and an interpretation of that law by the county supervisor of assessments.

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Read more about the article Champaign County owes employees more than $1 million in unused vacation timeDarrell Hoemann
Deb Busey, Champaign County administrator in her office in the Brookens Center in Urbana, IL on Tuesday, May 20, 2014.

Champaign County owes employees more than $1 million in unused vacation time

Despite a 2003 effort to limit the number of unused vacation days employees can carry over, Champaign County workers have accumulated more than 62,000 hours of unused vacation. And that total will cost the county at least an estimated $1.6 million as of the last fiscal year, according to County Administrator Deb Busey.

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Read more about the article Efforts at transparency in government lost in translationDanielle Sheppard
The Champaign county clerk's office collects nearly 2,000 statement of economic interest forms each year from local elected officials and high-ranking government employees. But few of them disclose any information.

Efforts at transparency in government lost in translation

Illinois state law requires government officials in Champaign County to file forms disclosing financial dealings that might lead to conflicts of interest in their official duties. But a review by of over 9,000 forms filed by officials over the past five years found that an average 16 percent of officials reveal any specific information.

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