Read more about the article Champaign County owes employees more than $1 million in unused vacation timeDarrell Hoemann
Deb Busey, Champaign County administrator in her office in the Brookens Center in Urbana, IL on Tuesday, May 20, 2014.

Champaign County owes employees more than $1 million in unused vacation time

Despite a 2003 effort to limit the number of unused vacation days employees can carry over, Champaign County workers have accumulated more than 62,000 hours of unused vacation. And that total will cost the county at least an estimated $1.6 million as of the last fiscal year, according to County Administrator Deb Busey.

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Read more about the article Efforts at transparency in government lost in translationDanielle Sheppard
The Champaign county clerk's office collects nearly 2,000 statement of economic interest forms each year from local elected officials and high-ranking government employees. But few of them disclose any information.

Efforts at transparency in government lost in translation

Illinois state law requires government officials in Champaign County to file forms disclosing financial dealings that might lead to conflicts of interest in their official duties. But a review by of over 9,000 forms filed by officials over the past five years found that an average 16 percent of officials reveal any specific information.

Continue ReadingEfforts at transparency in government lost in translation