Read more about the article Numerous nursing homes cited for problems in infection prevention programsDarrell Hoemann
Champaign-Urbana Nursing and Rehab (302 Burwash Ave, Savoy) on Monday, April 6, 2020. The care facility has been cited for a deficiency in infection prevention and control in 2019. Photo by Darrell Hoemann/CU-CitizenAccess

Numerous nursing homes cited for problems in infection prevention programs

At a time when nursing homes nationally are facing outbreaks of coronavirus, a review of federal inspection data reveals that more than half of nursing homes in Illinois were cited for deficiencies in infection prevention and control in 2019. The review of the federal data on Illinois nursing homes by CU-CitizenAccess and the Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting found that 396 of about 720 active nursing homes that are Medicare & Medicaid certified have been cited for deficiencies in infection prevention and control in 2019. The reports showed that nursing homes did not have adequate measures to “provide and implement an infection prevention and control program.” "Infection control practices are vitally important for long-term care facilities at all times, but especially now as we are facing a national emergency fighting COVID-19," said Kelly Richards the Illinois State Long Term Care Ombudsman, "It is imperative that all facilities follow infection control guidance issued by the CDC and the IL Dept. of Public Health." Infection prevention programs at nursing homes have come under scrutiny since the start of the COVID19 outbreak, as residents and staff members from numerous facilities have tested positive and died. According to the Illinois Public Health Department, 213 Illinois long term care facilities have COVID cases, as of April 8. Illinois has 773 cases associated with long-term care facilities (including assisted living), which includes patients and staff, the department said.

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Read more about the article I had COVID-19 and here is my story
This illustration, created at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reveals ultrastructural morphology exhibited by coronaviruses. Note the spikes that adorn the outer surface of the virus, which impart the look of a corona surrounding the virion, when viewed electron microscopically. A novel coronavirus, named Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), was identified as the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness first detected in Wuhan, China in 2019. The illness caused by this virus has been named coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

I had COVID-19 and here is my story

Elizabeth Schneider is a marketing program manager at NanoString Technologies and is based in Seattle, Washington. This is a republication of her Facebook post…

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Read more about the article In their own words: Three stories of abortion
Ramiro Ferrando

In their own words: Three stories of abortion

n spite of being in an all-time low, abortions are still a highly demanded health service. According to a study by the American Journal of Public Health nearly one in four  women in the U.S.  will have an abortion by age 45. Here, three women share their stories.

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Read more about the article While abortion clinics diminish, crisis pregnancy centers flourish
Ramiro Ferrando

While abortion clinics diminish, crisis pregnancy centers flourish

While the state of Illinois is often called an abortion “oasis” in the Midwest because of easier access to abortions than neighboring states, there are 86 crisis pregnancy centers – known as CPCs - compared with 25 abortion clinics in Illinois. Champaign has two of those centers.

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Read more about the article Illinois provides abortion ‘oasis’ to those seeking services
Graphic by Ramiro Ferrando

Illinois provides abortion ‘oasis’ to those seeking services

As some of its neighboring states have enacted laws restricting abortion access and more clinics have been closing their doors, Illinois is now more than ever an abortion “oasis” in the Midwest. Indeed, data from the Illinois Department of Public Health show that the percentage of women from out of state who seek abortions has more than doubled since 2010.

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Read more about the article Newborn genetic testing bill on Rauner’s desk after long delayDarrell Hoemann/
University of Illinois student Nicky Piunti on campus on May 8. Piunti is taking a new drug, Spinraza, that benefits some patients with SMA.

Newborn genetic testing bill on Rauner’s desk after long delay

The Illinois legislature is sending a bill to Governor Bruce Rauner that requires the state to screen newborns for a genetic neurological muscle disease…

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Read more about the article New bill addresses Illinois concussion response in prep sportsDarrell Hoemann
Athletic trainer Dustin Fink in the Mt. Zion High School training room where he has screened athletes for concussions. Photo taken on Friday, May 22, 2015.

New bill addresses Illinois concussion response in prep sports

Dustin Fink suffered his first concussion growing up in Lone Tree, Colorado, when he ran into a post on the playground in fourth grade. It was the mid-1980s and the school nurse looked him over, he recalled, sent him back to class and that was that.

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Read more about the article Indiana high school athletic association tries concussion logging system; Illinois considers similar plan
Dr. Jerrad Zimmerman is a physician in Carle Foundation Hospital’s sports medicine department.

Indiana high school athletic association tries concussion logging system; Illinois considers similar plan

The Indiana High School Athletic Association logged 1,217 concussive events in high school athletics throughout Indiana during the fall season. How many occurred in Illinois? Nobody knows for sure.

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