Read more about the article Campus crime decreased after coronavirus, but crime statistics remain varied and ‘confusing’University of Illinois Blog
The University of Illinois Police Department operates from the Public Safety Building, 1110 W. Springfield Ave., Urbana.

Campus crime decreased after coronavirus, but crime statistics remain varied and ‘confusing’

Before University of Illinois students were sent home in mid-March, there were at least 183 crimes in Champaign-Urbana reported directly to university police — mostly underage drinking and theft. After March 21, the total number of crimes reported decreased, with 52 crimes directly reported to university police as of May 31 according to the daily crime log.

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Timeline: Social media during Black Lives Matter protests and mall looting

The first on-street reactions of the Champaign-Urbana community on the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis were reported on local Facebook groups on May 29, 2020. Since then, citizens from both cities posted videos, opinions, and encouragements to join the protests. Those videos inspired others to organize their own events, protests, and petitions, all documented on public social media posts.

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By the numbers: Market Place Mall looting

Following the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police on May 25, protesters gathered at the Market Place Mall on May 31, and 26 people were subsequently arrested by the police on a variety of charges, such as burglary, criminal trespassing and mob action. Of those arrested, Champaign County was the primary residence. Most were local, with 22 people coming from the cities of Champaign, Urbana and Rantoul. Only one individual was out-of-state, providing a residence of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and the remaining 3 came from other counties in Illinois.

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Read more about the article Most Illinois county jail facilities lacked isolation cells for disease, documents showDylan Tiger
A summary of IDOC county jail inspection report answers regarding isolation cells. One report marked both 'Yes' and 'No'. Some jails have not been inspected since 2018.

Most Illinois county jail facilities lacked isolation cells for disease, documents show

As the coronavirus outbreak hit Illinois, many county jails lacked a standard cell needed to isolate infected inmates who had a respiratory illness, according to a review by the Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting of annual jail inspections. The Covid-19 outbreak at the Cook County Jail and other metropolitan jails across the country has received wide attention, but jails in downstate Illinois have come under little scrutiny. In addition, officials at many jails contacted by telephone by the CU-CitizenAccess and the Midwest Center about their efforts to combat the virus did not return calls, abruptly hung up, or told reporters to call later with no additional information given.

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Dangerous flaws in medical care persist in Champaign County jail

Lack of adequate medical care, whether routine or emergency, at the two Champaign County jail facilities is not only a local issue, but also echoes a national crisis in medical care at county jails.

Since 2016, there have not been reported deaths at the Champaign facilities, but complaints from inmates about poor health care in the jail have continued.

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How schools can help kids traumatized by gun violence

Children are among the most traumatized by gun violence in the community, and that trauma can affect their mental and physical health, behavior and academic performance. Lee Gaines looks at what schools and community groups are doing to help.

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