Read more about the article Archer Daniels Midland fined almost $52 million in past decade for 90 violations of federal, state lawsADM
Archer Daniels Midland regional headquarters in Decatur, Illinois. Photo from ADM's website.

Archer Daniels Midland fined almost $52 million in past decade for 90 violations of federal, state laws

In the last 11 years, Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) has racked up at least $51.9 million in fines for 90 federal- and state-level offenses…

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Read more about the article Loose regulations allow coal ash to threaten riverDarrell Hoemann/The Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting
Since 1955 the Vermilion Power Plant has been storing toxic coal ash in three ponds next to the Middle Fork Vermilion River near Oakwood, Illinois. The river runs through Kickapoo State Park, which is visited by more than a million people each year.

Loose regulations allow coal ash to threaten river

Each year thousands of families boat down the Middle Fork branch of the Illinois Vermilion River below an embankment that holds back 3.3 million cubic yards of toxic coal ash sludge stored in three large ponds. Coal ash pollution is leaching into the river, and the riverbank is eroding under the ponds. We examine what's a stake in this investigative report.

Continue ReadingLoose regulations allow coal ash to threaten river