Read more about the article Needs assessment survey for Champaign County nursing homes begins soon; Facilities facing bed shortage, staffing issuesDarrell Hoemann
CU Nursing and Rehab exterior (302 Burwash Ave, Savoy, IL 61874) on Friday, December 17, 2021. Photo by Darrell Hoemann/CU-CitizenAccess

Needs assessment survey for Champaign County nursing homes begins soon; Facilities facing bed shortage, staffing issues

Local advocacy groups and health care facilities have plans to address the shortage of nursing home beds plaguing the Champaign and Urbana area.  The…

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Read more about the article COVID-19 still in Champaign County and tracked, but many cases go unreportedMcKinley Health Center website
McKinley Health Center on the University of Illinois campus.

COVID-19 still in Champaign County and tracked, but many cases go unreported

As of Dec. 4, a total of 89,129 confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been reported in Champaign County since the spring of 2020, according…

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Read more about the article Police departments in Champaign County combat staff shortages; Some rebounding from resignations fueled by social issues, pandemicDarrell Hoemann
Looking south to the Champaign Police Department Building on First Street. Photo by Darrell Hoemann/CU-CitizenAccess

Police departments in Champaign County combat staff shortages; Some rebounding from resignations fueled by social issues, pandemic

The cities of Champaign, Urbana and Mahomet have been dealing with staffing shortages in their police departments since the pandemic, but some departments' vacancies…

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Read more about the article Citations for unlawful ID use by minors soars in Champaign after pandemic; underage drinking citations plummetGoogle Street View
Joe's Brewery on Google Street View. Screenshot taken on August 23, 2023.

Citations for unlawful ID use by minors soars in Champaign after pandemic; underage drinking citations plummet

About five times the number of 19- and 20-year-olds have been arrested or fined for unlawful use of ID in the first seven months…

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Read more about the article Concerns of stalking at University of Illinois increase as it appears many incidents go unreportedWomen's Resources Center
A session at the Women's Resources Center Career Institute in 2019.

Concerns of stalking at University of Illinois increase as it appears many incidents go unreported

Concerned about the number of stalking cases on campus, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign held a Stalking Prevention and Response Summit this past…

Continue ReadingConcerns of stalking at University of Illinois increase as it appears many incidents go unreported
Read more about the article COVID’s toll in Champaign County as emergency ends: 325 deaths, 86,946 cases, unknown number of long haulersPam Dempsey/
A tent and signs indicate a Covid-19 testing site at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign's Alice Campbell Alumni Center on Friday, July 31, 2020. The University is conducting free saliva tests for faculty, staff and students with results typically known within 48 hours.

COVID’s toll in Champaign County as emergency ends: 325 deaths, 86,946 cases, unknown number of long haulers

As the COVID-19 pandemic emergency measures ended this month, Champaign County had reported 325 COVID-related deaths from 86,946 cases over the past three years.…

Continue ReadingCOVID’s toll in Champaign County as emergency ends: 325 deaths, 86,946 cases, unknown number of long haulers

State data gives early warning of layoffs from larger companies, but lost jobs from small businesses go uncounted

A few months ago, Everyday Kitchen on Neil Street in Champaign suddenly announced its closing after over four years in business. But if one…

Continue ReadingState data gives early warning of layoffs from larger companies, but lost jobs from small businesses go uncounted
Read more about the article Downtown for sale: Vacant and derelict buildings wait for new owners and development plans
29 E Main St - Spring 2022

Downtown for sale: Vacant and derelict buildings wait for new owners and development plans

Abandoned and vacant buildings abound in downtown Champaign after three years of pandemic closures, business failures, downsizing and moves, a street-by-street survey by CU-CitizenAccess…

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Read more about the article Lack of funding forces end of public health district housing, food assistance for COVID-positive residents
Screenshot of the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District's COVID-19 dashboard taken on August 1, 2022.

Lack of funding forces end of public health district housing, food assistance for COVID-positive residents

Come mid-August, the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District will no longer offer food and housing assistance to those who have tested positive for the COVID-19…

Continue ReadingLack of funding forces end of public health district housing, food assistance for COVID-positive residents