Read more about the article Champaign police increase residency bonus but most officers still prefer to live out of town; Other area departments show similar patternDarrell Hoemann
Looking south to the Champaign Police Department Building on First Street. Photo by Darrell Hoemann/CU-CitizenAccess

Champaign police increase residency bonus but most officers still prefer to live out of town; Other area departments show similar pattern

Most employees of the Champaign and Urbana police departments live outside the cities they serve, even when lucrative bonuses are offered, records show. More…

Continue ReadingChampaign police increase residency bonus but most officers still prefer to live out of town; Other area departments show similar pattern
Read more about the article Majority of Champaign and Urbana police live elsewhere; Effect of non-residency on community policing debated nationallyDarrell Hoemann
The window for the Urbana Police Department office inside the Urbana City Hall on Thursday, September 4, 2014. photo by Darrell Hoemann/C-U Citizen Access

Majority of Champaign and Urbana police live elsewhere; Effect of non-residency on community policing debated nationally

The vast majority of police staff members in Champaign-Urbana don't live in the cities they serve. Local and national experts attempting to unravel community policing solutions see residency as one more piece of the puzzle, but other factors may turn out to be more important for the community's residents.

Continue ReadingMajority of Champaign and Urbana police live elsewhere; Effect of non-residency on community policing debated nationally