Read more about the article Residents complain about continuing early morning garbage pick-ups, but cities fail to find remediesGoogle Maps Street View
Republic Services Waste Transfer at 921 Saline Ct, Urbana. Image from Google Maps Street View.

Residents complain about continuing early morning garbage pick-ups, but cities fail to find remedies Video captured by Kate Maguire. Loud booming and crashing sounds of waste hauler trucks emptying bins can start before dawn in Urbana —…

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Read more about the article Urbana experiences the lowest number of nuisance complaints in three yearsDarrell Hoemann
Busey Avenue looking south from Illinois Street in Urbana on Wednesday, December 15, 2021. Photo by Darrell Hoemann/CU-CitizenAccess

Urbana experiences the lowest number of nuisance complaints in three years

Throughout this year, about 466 nuisance complaints were reported in Urbana. Nuisance complaints include weeds and overgrown trees and vegetation, trash, debris, loud noise…

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Read more about the article Inconsistent garbage pickup angers Champaign residentsDarrell Hoemann
Republic Services exterior at 2801 N Willow Rd, Urbana, IL 61802) on Sunday, December 19, 2021. Photo by Darrell Hoemann/CU-CitizenAccess

Inconsistent garbage pickup angers Champaign residents

The inconsistent pick up by some commercial garbage-hauling companies has been sharply criticized residents in the Champaign area. Despite an increase in complaints, no companies have received a fine from the city. The city also has no employee in the city’s public works department who is dedicated to dealing with complaints about waste haulers. 

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Read more about the article Community members, businesses rally to clean littered fields in business areaDarrell Hoemann
Litter in a field by Interstate Drive in north Champaign, IL on Wednesday, May 12, 2021. photo by Darrell Hoemann/C-U Citizen Access

Community members, businesses rally to clean littered fields in business area

In response to uncontrolled trash piling up in the North Prospect business area, community members rallied together to pick up 29 bags of litter…

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Read more about the article Champaign residents seek litter solutions after delayed city cleanup efforts, untracked complaints
Trash lines the bus stop next to Walmart on North Prospect Ave. in Champaign on April 5, 2021. Photo by Dylan Tiger.

Champaign residents seek litter solutions after delayed city cleanup efforts, untracked complaints

Champaign residents erupted on social media in early March about the excess litter in the Champaign area, especially North Prospect, with some claiming they have never seen the city so polluted before. In late spring this year, resident Michael Chrasta expects “a revival” of the Loving Our City cleanup initiative that was cancelled in March 2020 as COVID-19 entered the community.

Continue ReadingChampaign residents seek litter solutions after delayed city cleanup efforts, untracked complaints