Read more about the article Vehicles, rifles and tools: Police in Champaign County got steep discounts on federal military surplus worth $900,000Defense Logistics Agency
Military tents outside a hospital. From the federal Law Enforcement Support Office (LESO) page on the Defense Logistics Agency website.

Vehicles, rifles and tools: Police in Champaign County got steep discounts on federal military surplus worth $900,000

A mine-resistant vehicle.  An explosive disposal robot. 20 rifles.  These are just a few of the military surplus items acquired by law enforcement in…

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Read more about the article Racial disparities persist in Champaign County jail bookingsDarrell Hoemann
Satellite Jail exterior on Wednesday, December 15, 2021. photo by Darrell Hoemann/C-U Citizen Access

Racial disparities persist in Champaign County jail bookings

From 2012 to 2023, for every 10 white people booked at the Champaign County jail, 17 nonwhite people were booked. obtained years of…

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Read more about the article Champaign County nursing homes fined nearly $1 million federal fines, $500,000 in state fines in past three years
-Clark-Lindsey Village (101 W Windsor Rd, Urbana) on Monday, April 6, 2020. photo by Darrell Hoemann/C-U Citizen Access

Champaign County nursing homes fined nearly $1 million federal fines, $500,000 in state fines in past three years

In January, a resident staying at a nursing home in Urbana fell from her recliner while reaching for her glasses.  Several days later, she…

Continue ReadingChampaign County nursing homes fined nearly $1 million federal fines, $500,000 in state fines in past three years
Read more about the article Top property owners in Champaign County include University of Illinois, Mormon church and web of landlordsDarrell Hoemann
Brookens Admin Center in Urbana, IL 61801 on Wednesday, December 15, 2021. Photo by Darrell Hoemann/CU-CitizenAccess

Top property owners in Champaign County include University of Illinois, Mormon church and web of landlords

In 2023, 13 property owners in Champaign County owned over 100 properties each. The largest property owner, by far, is the University of Illinois…

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Read more about the article Pretrial investigations mount in Champaign as public defender caseloads rise in first year of Pretrial Fairness Act
The Champaign County Courthouse. Screenshot from Google Street View.

Pretrial investigations mount in Champaign as public defender caseloads rise in first year of Pretrial Fairness Act

One year after the passage of the Pretrial Fairness Act, state data shows the Sixth Judicial Circuit Court, which includes Champaign, recorded one of…

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Read more about the article Academic integrity violations increase nearly 20% at University of IllinoisKaitlyn Devitt
The Office of Student Conflict Resolution is located within the Student Services Building at the corner of Sixth and John Street, photographed October 8, 2024 by Kaitlyn Devitt.

Academic integrity violations increase nearly 20% at University of Illinois

Last academic year, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign saw nearly 1,200 cases of academic integrity violations, a 19.4% increase from the previous school…

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Read more about the article Delayed flights increase at Willard Airport, but cancellations reach recent low Willard Airport
Inside Willard Airport. Photo from press release.

Delayed flights increase at Willard Airport, but cancellations reach recent low 

Willard Airport is a nine-minute drive from the University of Illinois, making it convenient for people in the Champaign area to travel — but…

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Read more about the article Urbana activists want more police oversight. But local laws hold the civilian review board hostage
Ricardo Diaz, the most recent chair of the Civilian Police Review Board, stepped down in May. Diaz said local activists were frustrated by the slow pace of reforms and how local ordinances curtail the power of the CPRB to provide more powerful oversight of Urbana police. Photo by Farrah Anderson.

Urbana activists want more police oversight. But local laws hold the civilian review board hostage

This story was originally published on IPM Newsroom on July 8, 2024. This story is part of a partnership focusing on police misconduct in…

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Read more about the article Champaign County jail bookings remain stable while public defender workload triples to keep clients out of jail under SAFE-T ActDarrell Hoemann
Satellite Jail exterior on Wednesday, December 15, 2021. photo by Darrell Hoemann/C-U Citizen Access

Champaign County jail bookings remain stable while public defender workload triples to keep clients out of jail under SAFE-T Act

A recent sweeping state criminal justice reform bill was intended to keep people out of jail if they could not afford bail. But while…

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Read more about the article Local police spent over $137,000 on overtime for one day of University of Illinois’ Gaza protestsFarrah Anderson
Dozens of police officers from Champaign, Urbana, Mahomet, and the Champaign County Sheriff’s office joined the University of Illinois Police Department to respond to the encampment demanding the University divest from Israel on Friday, April 26. / Photo by Farrah Anderson

Local police spent over $137,000 on overtime for one day of University of Illinois’ Gaza protests

Police departments throughout Champaign County paid over $137,000 in overtime costs to officers who responded to one day of protests at the University of…

Continue ReadingLocal police spent over $137,000 on overtime for one day of University of Illinois’ Gaza protests