Read more about the article Bike accidents more frequent on University of Illinois campus; Electric skateboards a new concernUniversity of Illinois Blog
The University of Illinois Police Department operates from the Public Safety Building, 1110 W. Springfield Ave., Urbana.

Bike accidents more frequent on University of Illinois campus; Electric skateboards a new concern

Bicycle accidents on the University of Illinois campus have become more frequent in the past few years, prompting a mass email last fall reminding…

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Read more about the article Domestic crimes continue to pervade Urbana’s Lierman neighborhoodDarrell Hoemann
The window for the Urbana Police Department office inside the Urbana City Hall on Thursday, September 4, 2014. photo by Darrell Hoemann/C-U Citizen Access

Domestic crimes continue to pervade Urbana’s Lierman neighborhood

Although the number of domestic dispute and violence incidents has fallen in Urbana’s Lierman neighborhood last year, these incidents remain the top reported for…

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Bristol Place development project moves to new phase; Aims to turn Champaign’s ‘last resort’ into affordable, improved neighborhood

In 1998, the Champaign police estimated that there was a significant drug problem in the Bristol Park neighborhood, with up to transactions every 2…

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Read more about the article Downtown Champaign parking regulations cause some lost business, but solutions unclear
Champaign city building on 102 N Neil St. Screenshot from Google Street View.

Downtown Champaign parking regulations cause some lost business, but solutions unclear

Champaign’s population of about 89,114 only has 1,871 parking meter spaces provided to the public, an average of one parking spot for every 47…

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Read more about the article Champaign parking citation revenue increased in past three fiscal years; City to review parking availability, gather dataEthan Holesha
A Champaign Parking Enforcement Officer checks the meter on the corner of S Second Street & E Daniel Street in early Dec. 2023.

Champaign parking citation revenue increased in past three fiscal years; City to review parking availability, gather data

Parking citation revenue in Champaign has increased each fiscal year since 2021, but the number of citations fluctuated drastically each month. The city earned…

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Read more about the article Champaign underpass site of 15 accidents this year; Railroad company not always notified in some cases
The Washington Street underpass was the site of 15 accidents this year as of early December. Source: City of Champaign

Champaign underpass site of 15 accidents this year; Railroad company not always notified in some cases

Out of the ten railroad underpasses, or viaducts, in the city of Champaign, only three are tall enough for all legal vehicles to safely…

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Read more about the article Campustown burglaries rise; Package theft plays big roleUniversity of Illinois Blog
The University of Illinois Police Department operates from the Public Safety Building, 1110 W. Springfield Ave., Urbana.

Campustown burglaries rise; Package theft plays big role

Nearly 400 burglaries in campustown, the area surrounding the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, have been reported on the daily crime log in the…

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Read more about the article Theft makes up one in every four crimes reported on the University of Illinois daily crime log in past three yearsNoah Cowell
The Public Safety Building where the University of Illinois Police Department operates.

Theft makes up one in every four crimes reported on the University of Illinois daily crime log in past three years

Theft-related crimes made up one in every four crimes reported on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s daily crime log in the past three…

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Read more about the article Proposed plans to reduce prairie at Weaver Park ignites outcry among Urbana residents; Park district seeking further community input
The map of planned construction and amenities from the Weaver and Prairie Park Master Plan.

Proposed plans to reduce prairie at Weaver Park ignites outcry among Urbana residents; Park district seeking further community input

Blueprints shared by the Urbana Park District in June show plans to build over the prairie at Weaver Park to make room for six…

Continue ReadingProposed plans to reduce prairie at Weaver Park ignites outcry among Urbana residents; Park district seeking further community input