Read more about the article Top property owners in Champaign County include University of Illinois, Mormon church and web of landlordsDarrell Hoemann
Brookens Admin Center in Urbana, IL 61801 on Wednesday, December 15, 2021. Photo by Darrell Hoemann/CU-CitizenAccess

Top property owners in Champaign County include University of Illinois, Mormon church and web of landlords

In 2023, 13 property owners in Champaign County owned over 100 properties each. The largest property owner, by far, is the University of Illinois…

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Read more about the article Causes of many fires in Champaign and Urbana go undetermined; Campustown is a hot spot
Photo depicting the aftermath of a fire at 206 S. First St. Photo by Claire Podlesak.

Causes of many fires in Champaign and Urbana go undetermined; Campustown is a hot spot

A cigarette butt flicked out of an open window.  A late-night pizza sitting in the oven for too long.  A hair curler left on…

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Read more about the article Champaign County suffers chronically high number of domestic violence calls and cases
The Champaign County Courthouse. Screenshot from Google Street View.

Champaign County suffers chronically high number of domestic violence calls and cases

In the first two months of this year, there were around 10 calls per day to emergency services regarding domestic violence and disputes in…

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Read more about the article University of Illinois campus trying to address safety concerns over e-bikes and e-skateboards; Accidents not being trackedCU-CitizenAccess
Veo bikes lay in the grass in Campustown near the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

University of Illinois campus trying to address safety concerns over e-bikes and e-skateboards; Accidents not being tracked

Almost two years ago, Illinois State University administrator Adam Peck was hit by a bicycle. Four days later, he died of his injuries. Peck,…

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Read more about the article Champaign’s vacant properties can languish for years without correction; Fines increased in past two yearsDarrell Hoemann
The former C.S. Johnson factory in Champaign on Tuesday, February 28, 2023. photo by Darrell Hoemann/C-U Citizen Access

Champaign’s vacant properties can languish for years without correction; Fines increased in past two years

Building paint is peeling, junk litters the property and “no trespassing” signs sporadically adorn fences surrounding the approximately 330,000 square feet of property of…

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Read more about the article Over one year later, no detached housing built following Champaign ordinance
Image from article about accessory dwelling units.

Over one year later, no detached housing built following Champaign ordinance

Some residents expressed concern about a negative impact on neighborhoods when the city of Champaign passed a June 2022 ordinance to build additional, detached…

Continue ReadingOver one year later, no detached housing built following Champaign ordinance
Read more about the article Garden Hills residents question number of businesses selling liquor in and near neighborhoodDarrell Hoemann
Garden Hills looking east on Hedge Road from Mattis Avenue on Wednesday, December 15, 2021. Photo by Darrell Hoemann/CU-CitizenAccess

Garden Hills residents question number of businesses selling liquor in and near neighborhood

Some Champaign residents in Garden Hills have expressed concern over the number of businesses selling alcohol in close proximity to the neighborhood, saying those…

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Read more about the article Small grant program funds in Champaign doubled this fiscal year; Program supports neighborhood initiatives, activities
Photo of Washington Street Neighborhood’s Fourth of July parade in 2023.

Small grant program funds in Champaign doubled this fiscal year; Program supports neighborhood initiatives, activities

The funding for Champaign's Neighborhood Small Grant Program increased from ​about ​$22,500 to $52,000​ this fiscal year, meaning​ it can assist​ dozens more projects,…

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Read more about the article Small grant funds help new Champaign neighborhood group clean up its streets 
The boundaries of the Neighborhood Co-Labourers Community Group, a new registered association in Champaign. Photo from the city's website.

Small grant funds help new Champaign neighborhood group clean up its streets 

Concerned about the litter and waste on the streets and yards in their area, Champaign residents living east of downtown formed the Neighborhood Co-Labourers…

Continue ReadingSmall grant funds help new Champaign neighborhood group clean up its streets