Read more about the article Deputy accused of killing Sonya Massey in Springfield was discharged from Army for serious misconductFarrah Anderson
Former Sangamon County Sheriff’s deputy Sean Grayson, who is now charged with murder in the fatal shooting of Sonya Massey, was previously discharged from the U.S. Army for serious misconduct — and still hired at six police departments in Central Illinois.

Deputy accused of killing Sonya Massey in Springfield was discharged from Army for serious misconduct

This article was originally published by IPM Newsroom on July 24, 2024. This article was updated with additional reporting about Grayson’s claims to have…

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Read more about the article Urbana activists want more police oversight. But local laws hold the civilian review board hostage
Ricardo Diaz, the most recent chair of the Civilian Police Review Board, stepped down in May. Diaz said local activists were frustrated by the slow pace of reforms and how local ordinances curtail the power of the CPRB to provide more powerful oversight of Urbana police. Photo by Farrah Anderson.

Urbana activists want more police oversight. But local laws hold the civilian review board hostage

This story was originally published on IPM Newsroom on July 8, 2024. This story is part of a partnership focusing on police misconduct in…

Continue ReadingUrbana activists want more police oversight. But local laws hold the civilian review board hostage
Read more about the article Champaign County jail bookings remain stable while public defender workload triples to keep clients out of jail under SAFE-T ActDarrell Hoemann
Satellite Jail exterior on Wednesday, December 15, 2021. photo by Darrell Hoemann/C-U Citizen Access

Champaign County jail bookings remain stable while public defender workload triples to keep clients out of jail under SAFE-T Act

A recent sweeping state criminal justice reform bill was intended to keep people out of jail if they could not afford bail. But while…

Continue ReadingChampaign County jail bookings remain stable while public defender workload triples to keep clients out of jail under SAFE-T Act
Read more about the article Champaign County suffers chronically high number of domestic violence calls and cases
The Champaign County Courthouse. Screenshot from Google Street View.

Champaign County suffers chronically high number of domestic violence calls and cases

In the first two months of this year, there were around 10 calls per day to emergency services regarding domestic violence and disputes in…

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Read more about the article After fatal shootings, Rantoul police recommended more training. They just sent one officer to a gun range
The Rantoul Police Department failed to follow through on recommendations to further train officers on how to use force after the city’s first two fatal shootings. Photo by Farrah Anderson, Invisible Institute/Illinois Public Media

After fatal shootings, Rantoul police recommended more training. They just sent one officer to a gun range

This story is part of a partnership focusing on police misconduct in Champaign County between the Champaign-Urbana Civic Police Data Project of the Invisible Institute, a Chicago-based…

Continue ReadingAfter fatal shootings, Rantoul police recommended more training. They just sent one officer to a gun range
Read more about the article Champaign hired Police Chief Timothy Tyler despite disciplinary past and allegations of misconductFarrah Anderson, Invisible Institute/Illinois Public Media
In 2022, Timothy Tyler was chosen to lead the Champaign Police Department — despite a string of misconduct allegations from his first policing job in the south Chicago suburb of Markham through his time at the Illinois State Police.

Champaign hired Police Chief Timothy Tyler despite disciplinary past and allegations of misconduct

This article originally appeared on IPM Newsroom on January 29, 2024. This story is part of a partnership focusing on police misconduct in Champaign…

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Read more about the article Accidents and emergency calls mount at Archer Daniels Midland plants in Decatur in past year; Employee dies in rail accident, multiple employees injured in explosionsADM
Archer Daniels Midland headquarters in Decatur, Illinois. Photo from ADM's website.

Accidents and emergency calls mount at Archer Daniels Midland plants in Decatur in past year; Employee dies in rail accident, multiple employees injured in explosions

Listen to WILL's coverage for interview audio and hear from the reporters on The 21st Show. Just months before he planned to retire, 66-year-old…

Continue ReadingAccidents and emergency calls mount at Archer Daniels Midland plants in Decatur in past year; Employee dies in rail accident, multiple employees injured in explosions
Read more about the article Champaign looks to expand automated license plate reader program    Darrell Hoemann
Looking south to the Champaign Police Department Building on First Street. Photo by Darrell Hoemann/CU-CitizenAccess

Champaign looks to expand automated license plate reader program    

Champaign has been using automated license plate readers (ALPR) in an effort to reduce gun violence — and its police department is looking to…

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Read more about the article ​​Champaign’s trial run of gunshot detection program fires blanksDarrell Hoemann
Looking south to the Champaign Police Department Building on First Street. Photo by Darrell Hoemann/CU-CitizenAccess

​​Champaign’s trial run of gunshot detection program fires blanks

In an effort to deter gun violence, Champaign implemented two new surveillance technologies, but underwhelming results have led the police department to recommend parting…

Continue Reading​​Champaign’s trial run of gunshot detection program fires blanks
Read more about the article Condemned Champaign apartments’ out-of-town owners facing two city lawsuits seeking
Champaign Park Apartments received the most complaints in Champaign from January 1, 2021 to mid February 2023. During this time, 393 units were condemned by the city.

Condemned Champaign apartments’ out-of-town owners facing two city lawsuits seeking reimbursement

Earlier this year, 35 buildings at the Champaign Park Apartments were condemned — prompting two lawsuits filed by the city against the owners after…

Continue ReadingCondemned Champaign apartments’ out-of-town owners facing two city lawsuits seeking reimbursement