Read more about the article Silverwood residents hope new name will create positive changeGiovanna Dibenedetto
The new street sign for Silverwood.

Silverwood residents hope new name will create positive change

In the past 6 months, there have been 56 violent crimes, most of which were assault and domestic violence-related offenses. Urbana police reports also show a plethora of break-ins and domestic violence. While Dibenedetto acknowledges that violence is an issue, she says that efforts have been made in the community to decrease violence in all forms, including a new name change.

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Read more about the article Residents: New apartments threaten historic Washington Street neighborhoodSarah O'Beirne
The 500-800 W. Washington neighborhood is made up of historic homes dating back to the late 1800s. Oct. 25, 2019.

Residents: New apartments threaten historic Washington Street neighborhood

A brand-new apartment on the 300 block of W. Washington St. was built in 2019 right where a vintage Victorian home once stood and residents say it doesn’t match the neighborhood.

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Read more about the article South Willis neighborhood group going strong after 35 yearsProvided by Thomas O'Rourke
Tom O'Rourke, professor emeritus, community health.

South Willis neighborhood group going strong after 35 years

O’Rourke, a 77-year-old health education expert with a passion for communities, founded the South Willis Neighborhood Group 35 years ago and has been running it ever since.

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Read more about the article Shadow Wood residents endure short-term construction disruption for long-term gainsLuke Cooper
Traffic accumulates outside of the Shadow Wood Mobile Homes on N. Market St. on Sept. 11. This has been the usual seen on N. Market Street due to utility construction, creating a bottlenecked road where drivers wait for the direction of traffic to alternate.

Shadow Wood residents endure short-term construction disruption for long-term gains

The former two-way road is temporarily a one-way, with drivers waiting for their turn to cross on either side of a traffic signal. Streets intersecting streets like Bradley Avenue and Bellefontaine Street have been closed off completely. Because of this, residents have had to inevitably traverse through traffic build-ups created on the road just to enter and exit their community.

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Read more about the article Hedge Road residents prep for relocationRoss Brown
Trash bags are piled at the curb in front of a house on Hedge Road that has recently been vacated. The City of Champaign is seizing 46 properties in the neighborhood for the addition of a drainage area. Photo taken Wednesday, October 9, 2019.

Hedge Road residents prep for relocation

Only one house on the north side of Hedge Road has been demolished. Several more have been vacated recently, with the rest still being occupied. Yet by 2022, all of the 46 properties on the three-block section are scheduled for demolition and purchase by the City of Champaign, in order to make way for a drainage pond to be built between Hedge Road and the Norfolk Southern railroad tracks.

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Read more about the article Clark Park continues to fight against building of giant houses
Clark Park Neighborhood in Fall 2018. Residents are fighting for ordinances to regulate the sizes of big homes, which are unaligned with standard houses in the neighborhood. City Council voted against the text amendment regarding zoning ordinances at the Oct. 15 meeting. Photo: Mike McMillen.

Clark Park continues to fight against building of giant houses

In the ongoing battle over the construction of big homes in the Clark Park Neighborhood, there have been some victories for the residents: one is the limits on the size of garages that will reduce the size of the homes.

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Wilbur Heights residents stuck in industrial “hodge-podge”

The neighborhood was zoned “light industrial.” This ordinance prohibited any resident from making any substantial repairs to their home. This was over 45 years ago. Today, despite news articles and the efforts of James and his former colleagues, Wilbur Heights remains a “hodge-podge” of residential and commercial properties.

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Read more about the article Champaign duo use after-school program to reduce violence in one low-income neighborhood
Satellite view of Countrybrook Apartments/Google

Champaign duo use after-school program to reduce violence in one low-income neighborhood

The apartment complex tucked into the 2500 block of West Springfield Ave. in Champaign, Illinois, has been home to multiple fatal shootings over the last decade. The most recent shooting took the life of a 21-year-old Scott Roth on May 5, earlier this year, according to Champaign Police Reports.

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Garden Hills residents continue to deal with flooding as they wait for city solutions

Garden Hills, originally a suburban subdivision outside of the city limits, is one of the largest neighborhoods in the city of Champaign, made up of over 1,000 homes. The neighborhood currently deals with many problems including gun violence, poverty, excessive amounts of vacant homes, lack of street lights and major flooding issues.

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