Read more about the article Demand still up for college counseling services
Brian Guest, former student at his job. Counseling and psychiatric services at Midwest universities are straining under the increased demand from students who are entering schools with more serious illnesses than seen before. A 2011 national survey of counseling center directors found increases in students who are on psychiatric medication and longer wait times for services at counseling centers. Like other counseling centers, more students at the University of Illinois are are diagnosed with severe issues such as depression and anxiety than in years past. Counseling centers also lack enough mental health providers to meet the demand and to meet recommended staffing levels.At the UI counseling center on Friday, Feb. 3, 2012.

Demand still up for college counseling services

By Pam G. Dempsey/CU-CitizenAccess In the wake of Sandy Hook and other school shootings of recent years, gun control advocates – and some politicians,…

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Read more about the article Health district makes moves toward online restaurant reports; publicizing results still under discussionDarrell Hoemann
A worker picks up eggs from a refrigerated cooler on Friday, Aug. 31, 2012, at Meatheads Restaurant on South Neil Street in Champaign.

Health district makes moves toward online restaurant reports; publicizing results still under discussion

After spending four years discussing how to best publicize restaurant inspections, county public health officials are now offering Champaign diners a small appetizer of…

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Read more about the article College counseling centers face ‘perfect storm’, expert says
File photo. Students on campus in August 2015. Today, more college students are in need for mental health services.

College counseling centers face ‘perfect storm’, expert says

By Pam G. Dempsey/Investigative Journalism Education Consortium -- More than 20 million college students across the nation will start school this month, just weeks…

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Bed Check: Safety violations cloud Central Illinois nursing homes

An elderly man with Alzheimer's disease leaves a local nursing home without staff noticing and is found wandering into traffic on Mattis Avenue in Champaign.
 A patient in an Urbana nursing home is left unattended on a bed pan for hours until the bed pan creates a deep pressure sore in its shape.

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