Housing authority to discuss preference plan
By Robert Holly/For CU-CitizenAccess.org -- For more than a month, community members have waited for the Housing Authority of Champaign County’s board of commissioners…
By Robert Holly/For CU-CitizenAccess.org -- For more than a month, community members have waited for the Housing Authority of Champaign County’s board of commissioners…
While Champaign city officials have been working on redevelopment plans for the Bristol Park area for at least two years, some community members are…
By Pam G. Dempsey/CU-CitizenAccess - For journalist Jose Antonio Vargas, a driver’s license meant working for the Washington Post - a job he really…
By Pam G. Dempsey/CU-CitizenAccess -- Over the past decade there has been a deep demographic shift in Central Illinois as the population of Hispanics and…
By Azra Halilovic /CU-CitizenAccess.org / Hoy -- Last December, the CU-Immigration Forum held a public meeting at the Champaign Public Library to discuss the…
By Sean Powers /Illinois Public Media -- Angelina Lopez, 47, is a single mother in central Illinois who came into the U.S. illegally 10…
This project was hatched over Thai food at the YMCA in Champaign between the journalists from Hoy-Chicago and CU-CitizenAccess.org. Hoy had been thinking about…
By Jeff Kelly Lowenstein/Hoy -- Rantoul is a town with a proud military heritage. You see it on the name “Veterans Parkway” and the…
By Jeff Kelly Lowenstein/Hoy --- Latinos in Urbana and Champaign make up 5 and 6 percent of the population, respectively, and, from 2007 to…
This is a look overall at closed federal deportation cases that have resulted in either voluntary or removal departure orders since Fiscal Year 2008. Though the orders nationwide have sharply declined, Illinois ranks number nine in the top 10 states for deportation orders .