Illinois registered the fifth-most methamphetamine lab seizures and arrests in the country last year.
Listen to the original radio story and watch the television broadcasts aired on Illinois Public Media.
Radio Broadcasts
On Illinois Public Media, CU-CitizenAccess reporter Cheryl Silver reports on the resurging popularity of methamphetamine in east central Illinois and law enforcement efforts to keep up with the game of chess against methamphetamine cooks.
Also on Illinois Public Media, radio host Jim Meadows talks with recovering meth addict Michael Pasley about his ordeal with the drug. He says using meth was just a way of life, but looking back on it, he has a lot of regrets. Professor Ralph Weisheit, who is an expert on rural crime and meth, also joins.
Television Broadcasts
In a two-part series in collaboration with Illinois Public Media, Cheryl Silver of CU-Citizen Access takes a look at what’s driving the resurgence of meth in central Illinois.
Video by Darrell Hoemann.