Read more about the article Champaign potholes still costly to city, driversDarrell Hoemann/C-U Citizen Access
A pothole on Elm Street in Champaign on November 2.

Champaign potholes still costly to city, drivers

In the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016, the city’s public works department responded to 329 pothole service requests from residents — a slight decrease from the 397 service requests in the previous fiscal year.

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Read more about the article Almost one in every five roads in Champaign in poor conditionDarrell Hoemann/C-U Citizen Access
White Street, one of the worst ranked streets in Champaign, on November 2.

Almost one in every five roads in Champaign in poor condition

In an analysis of Champaign’s most recent city pavement database from 2015, three sections of White Street have a or pavement condition index (PCI), below 10 — more than any other street in the city.

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Read more about the article Libraries struggle to reach entire Champaign-Urbana communityDarrell Hoemann/C-U Citizen Access
Patrons leave the Champaign Library just before the 6 p.m. closing on December 9, 2016.

Libraries struggle to reach entire Champaign-Urbana community

Historically, library usage is highest during economic downturns, when people go to libraries for employment and educational training.

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Read more about the article Popular items mean long waits for Champaign-Urbana library patronsDarrell Hoemann/C-U Citizen Access
Kelly Strom, collection manager at the Champaign Public Library, demonstrates how to reserve books and holds a copy of the popular new John Grisham novel on November 16, 2016.

Popular items mean long waits for Champaign-Urbana library patrons

“I think our patrons are pretty used to how the system works,” said Kelly Strom, collection manager at the Champaign Public Library. “If they don’t want to wait on a holds list, then they can get a rental book if it’s available for that particular title. Otherwise, they seem to go pretty quickly because we buy so many copies.”

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Read more about the article Domestic violence agencies shocked by lack of funds in stopgap budgetDarrell Hoemann/C-U Citizen Access
From left: Elana Whitsitt, Oksana Whitsitt and Brooke Riddell organize gifts as volunteers gathered to wrap gifts for the women and children of Courage Connection at Trinity Lutheran Church, Urbana, Il on December 15, 2016.

Domestic violence agencies shocked by lack of funds in stopgap budget

“The state of Illinois expects us to spend more than half a million dollars and maybe – or maybe not – get reimbursed for it in this fiscal year,” said Isak Griffiths, the executive director of Courage Connection. “That's a huge burden to put on a social service agency.”

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Read more about the article $1 million lawsuit filed against Champaign County for death of inmate Toya FrazierDarrell Hoemann/
A common area between pods at the Champaign County satellite jail in east Urbana on March 11, 2013.

$1 million lawsuit filed against Champaign County for death of inmate Toya Frazier

The lawsuit was filed on Dec. 1 by Frazier’s sister Jacqueline Jones against the county, Sheriff Dan Walsh and four medical and correctional staff members. It demands damages of $1 million.

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