Read more about the article Meth use on the rise again in IllinoisProvided by Michael Pasley
Michael Pasley cooking meth at unknown date and location.

Meth use on the rise again in Illinois

This past summer, Tena Logan of Loxa, Ill., was convicted of conspiring to manufacture 50 grams or more of methamphetamine and possessing it with intent to distribute. Earlier this year, Michael Pasley of Mattoon, Ill., was released from the Illinois Department of Corrections after serving more than two years for manufacturing meth.

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Read more about the article Two decades of meth useDarrell Hoemann
Recovering meth addict Michael Pasley talks about his journey near his workplace in Charleston, Ill., Sept. 11, 2013.

Two decades of meth use

Michael Pasley first used meth in his early teens. Two decades later, his use came to a quick end when he was arrested April 5, 2010, in Mattoon, Ill. The arrest came after he spent 22 straight days high on meth.

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Read more about the article Farmers not yet hit by shutdownDarrell Hoemann/The Midwest Center for Investigative Journalism
Signs explaining the closed USDA offices in west Champaign, Ill. on Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2013.

Farmers not yet hit by shutdown

Robert Holly/Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting The U.S. Department of Agriculture was forced to send home tens of thousands of employees because of Tuesday’s…

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Read more about the article Unsafe food temperatures contribute to three failed restaurant inspections in AugustContributed/Champaign-Urbana Public Health District
A draft version of a reinspection notice. Public health officials are drafting ordinances that would require food establishments to post a color-coded placard that indicates the results of each health inspection. Yellow means the food establishment failed its health inspection with an adjusted score below 36 and but can remain open pending a reinspection within 30 days.

Unsafe food temperatures contribute to three failed restaurant inspections in August

By Pam G. Dempsey/CU-CitizenAccess --Three area restaurants failed health inspections in August according to new data released this month. Inspectors found broken coolers and…

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